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Save the earth one print at a time

Julia Dooley
Post by Julia Dooley
April 15, 2022
Save the earth one print at a time

With as much as 39% of U.S. Co2 emissions coming from buildings, improving sustainability in our workplaces is equally as important as what we do individually and within our homes.  We are happy to share an easy and great first step to reducing your company's eco-footprint: your office print environment. 

That's right! Your office print environment is one of the biggest opportunities for reducing your impact. 

As part of the millennial generation, I never knew or cared about the difference between a laser or an inkjet printer. I only cared about the print coming out as quickly as possible while looking the best possible (we are known to be a little impatient), but I did always care about my environment and my impact. A little older and wiser, I’ve found that I can have beautiful prints, fast, while doing my part to help the environment, one print at a time, with Epson Inkjet.

Epson Inkjet or laser technology? These are the differences and how they measure up to the impact on your ecological footprint:

Energy consumption

 Epson: Epson machines use up to 85% less energy than laser printers. Epson's Precision Core heat-free technology limits the energy consumption during start-up and delivers a faster first page out. 

Laser: With the many more components involved, laser printers need to heat a fuser to fuse the ink to paper, causing long start-up times and longer times for the first page out. The need to heat the fuser before the process can start uses far more energy. 


Epson: Epson's Precision Core heat-free technology uses 50% fewer consumables and replacement parts. The high ink yield results in less waste due to replacement. 

Laser: Laser technology uses drums, transfer belts, and fusers, increasing the number of consumables that need to be replaced, adding to the waste in landfills. 

Epson business printers are engineered to maximize uptime while producing vibrant prints, as well as reducing waste and energy consumption.

Schedule your demo now to see how Epson's next-generation technology paired with TriTech's service can take your business printing to the next level and care for our planet.

Click here to schedule your free demo

Julia Dooley
Post by Julia Dooley
April 15, 2022
